Three points caught my attention: Sanctification, Ardent Study, Prayer
1) D&C 76:69--"These are they who are just men made perfect through Jesus the mediator of the new covenant who wrought this perfect atonement through the shedding of his own blood."This section concerns the resurrection of the just--those consigned to celestial and terrestrial glory. The phrase "made perfect" differentiates those who are justified. In a way, it stands in for "sanctified" because that's the difference between those who receive each respective glory. The doctrines of justification (clean hands) and sanctification (a pure heart) fascinate me; it made me wonder how I have sought God to make me perfect through Jesus, move me beyond mere justification.
2) Elder Widstoe Quote--"The gospel should be studied more intensely than any school or college subject. they who pass opinion on the gospel without having given it intimate and careful study are not lovers of truth, and their opinons are worthless."I do devote far more time to my secular studies than my doctrinal feastings. Those things which are secular relate to the world better; for social as well as "practial realitites. Socially, people talk about art and science more than theology especially ina place where its assumed that everyone share the same beliefs. In practicality, secular studies appear more relational to future work and certainly influence grades greately. its just challenging to keep it in focus how far more eteranl and important gospel scholarship is. I want tot be the type of sholarly theologian than Brigham Young talks about; really fulfill the expectations of an Elder of Israel.
3) Prayer--"Pray before you study scriptures and when you have completed your study."I do okay with teh former; however, I lack any experience in teh latter. There's definitley one area I know I can improve in.
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